Welcome to the PRE-LAUNCH of your John 17 Inter-Denominational Bible Study. Our launch date is Sunday, March 5, if the Lord tarries.
In a nutshell, the Christian Faith and witness of Jesus Christ will be much more effective when we elevate our love for Him above our relatively petty and insignificant differences within the Ekklesia, the Body of Jesus Christ. In John 17, in what many have dubbed, His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus is begging and beseeching us to live in unity, just as He and His Father live in unity.
This is an extremely high bar, for many reasons. Nevertheless, since our Savior, Lord and Master requires it of us, we are obligated to explore all that we must do to honor His expressed desire. This is the central mandate of J17IDBS. The greatest obstacle to unity is you and me. No devil in hell can prevent unity in the Ekklesia, the Body of Christ, when pleasing Him becomes our constant obsession. This vision is elaborated on another section of this site and will appear SOON!
You will want to bookmark this site, as it will be our primary channel of communication for all things concerning this Ministry.