Disclosure & Disclaimer
For almost 20 years, I have been using “GotQuestions.org” as one of my research tools. As a Bible student myself, I am always vry critical and analytical of everything I read or hear, regardless of the source. I do not recall a single occasion on which I disagreed with the accuracy of the information provided by GotQuestions.org. And for this reason, I periodically support the Ministry, and will do so even more now that I intend to rely on them extensively for prepared responses to questions raised in John17 Inter Denominational Bible Study. Notwithstanding, were I to become aware of any Scriptural error or inaccuracy unwittingly provided by GotQuestions.org, I will immediately dissociate myself from the inaccuracy or error, and forthwith bring it to the attention of GotQuestions.org. John17IDBS believes and reminds you that the Holy Spirit is the Ultimate Teacher of Truth and Commentator on the Word of God.